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Cato Handbook For Policymakers, 9th Edition (2022)

9th Edition

Now in its ninth edition, the Cato Handbook for Policymakers sets the standard in Washington for reducing the power of the federal government and expanding freedom.

The 77 chapters—each beginning with a list of major policy recommendations—offer issue-by-issue blueprints for promoting individual liberty, free markets, and peace. Providing both in-depth analysis and concrete recommendations, Cato’s Handbook is an invaluable resource for policymakers and anyone else interested in securing liberty and limiting government.

A soup-to-nuts agenda to reduce spending, kill programs, terminate whole agencies and dramatically restrict the power of the federal government.

–The Washington Post

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Government and External Affairs Associate

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Director of State Relations

Rachel Johnson
Government and External Affairs Coordinator

Zayna Resley
State Relations Coordinator

For all other queries, contact govaffairs@​cato.​org

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