Perhaps no innovation has done more to promote international trade and globalization in the modern era than the humble shipping container, which is responsible for roughly 35 percent of global merchandise trade by volume and over 60 percent by value. Typically constructed in lengths of 20 or 40 feet, containers greatly ease the loading and unloading of ships, as giant cranes transfer the boxes from ship to shore (or the reverse) in about two minutes. From there they can be either trucked to local warehouses to be unpacked, transferred to smaller vessels for transshipment to other ports, or placed on trucks and railroads to be transported closer to their final destinations.
Although the concept of placing items in containers for easier transport has been around since at least the 18th century, such efforts did not spread beyond niche applications. Succeeding where others failed and ushering in the modern era of containerization was Malcom McLean, the owner of a large trucking company. Although accounts of McLean’s foray into container shipping differ—some cite his desire to bypass traffic, while others emphasize his desire to avoid government meddling in interstate trucking—the trucking industry veteran originally conceived of using ships to transport truck chassis and containers together. He soon realized, however, that loading the containers alone would be a more efficient means of transport that allowed for stacking.
McLean’s vision was realized on April 26, 1956, when a World War II–built tanker called the SS Ideal X departed Port Newark, New Jersey, for Houston. Cheaply acquired thanks to a government maritime promotion program, the vessel had been modified to transport 58 containers on a spar deck above the tanker piping. Although a visual oddity, the ship made clear containerization’s compelling economics. While the loading of cargo in piecemeal fashion prior to the advent of containers was estimated to cost $5.83 per ton in 1956, the Ideal X was able to reduce that figure to $0.16 per ton—a 97 percent decrease. In Box Boats: How Container Ships Changed the World, author Brian J. Cudahy calculates that the cost to unload a conventional cargo ship was at least $15,000, whereas the Gateway City, another container ship operated by McLean, could be unloaded for $1,600—an 89 percent decline.
To encourage its adoption, McLean allowed others access to his patented standardized container designs through a royalty-free lease to the International Organization for Standardization. The shipping industry was forever changed.
Containerization’s dramatic reduction in cargo handling costs reflected a vast increase in port productivity: from 1965 to 1970, the amount of cargo that could be moved by stevedores onto a ship increased from 1.7 tons per hour to 30 tons per hour. According to Box Boats, whereas previously a cargo ship required 150 stevedores working at least four days to load and unload, a crew of 14 could do the same task on the Gateway City in just over eight hours.
Less time loading and unloading meant that ships could spend more time sailing, boosting their own productivity and more quickly speeding goods to market. A 1985 comparison between the container ship Liverpool Bay and the cargo ship Priam, which was not specially designed to transport containers, found that the former spent 17 percent of its time in port compared with 40 percent for the latter. Cudahy writes that, prior to containerization, it was “not uncommon for a vessel assigned to the busy transatlantic trade route between New York and the channel ports of Europe to spend as much time in port loading and unloading cargo, over its lifetime, as it did steaming across the ocean.”
Containers also provided other benefits, such as deterring pilferage, by making the cargo less accessible (recalling his stint on a merchant ship prior to widespread containerization, author Christopher Buckley noted that “you knew what cargoes you were carrying because you could see them, smell them, touch them, and on occasion, help yourself to them,” while the wages of New York dockworkers were jokingly said to be “twenty dollars a day and all the Scotch you could carry home”). Increased ease of cargo handling also meant fewer damaged goods, which, along with reduced thievery, resulted in reduced insurance costs. As one example, shipping between Australia and Europe saw insurance costs fall from an average of $0.24 per ton to $0.04 per ton from 1965 to 1971.
Containerization had profound implications not only for ships but for transportation more broadly, as cargo could now be easily transferred among various modes, including trucking and rail. The modern era of intermodal freight transport was born and the entire transportation system revolutionized.