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Regulation - v43n4 - Cover

Winter 2020–2021

Vol. 43 No. 4
From the Cover

Spreading Like Wildfire

By Dean Lueck and Jonathan Yoder

Economics and wildfire policy offer useful lessons for COVID-19 response.


Assessing the Revolution in Antitrust

By Dennis W. Carlton and Ken Heyer

New learning and evidence on market concentration do not justify a return to the dark ages of antitrust and regulation.

Briefly Noted
Bad Energy Legislation in New Mexico
By Kenneth W. Costello

Traditionally, the primary goal of electric utility regulation has been to control the pricing behavior of monopoly providers in order to achieve reliable electric supply at a low cost to consumers.

In Review
Apocalypse Never
By Jonathan H. Adler

Climate change is a serious concern, perhaps the most serious environmental concern of the 21st century. But the 2018 UN report did not suggest a greenhouse apocalypse would soon be upon us, nor that humanity faces an imminent ecological deadline to act.

The Lost History of Western Civilization
By Art Carden

The Lost History of Western Civilization underscores the importance of Western civilization and restores it to its rightful place in the history of the American — and more broadly, Western — experiment in liberty and individual dignity.

By Vern McKinley

The world changed enormously in 2020, presenting the average American with a great deal of uncertainty and fodder for sleepless nights.

Liberty in Peril
By George C. Leef

In any case, we accept that, for all its flaws, democracy is the way the United States is supposed to work.

Markets, State, and People
By Phil R. Murray

Diane Coyle describes herself as “a British economist and policymaker.” In her current book on microeconomic policy, her essential question is, “Which activities should be done by the government, which by the market, or in some other way?”

One Billion Americans
By David R. Henderson

As a long‐​time advocate of expanded immigration, I am delighted to have left/​liberal Matthew Yglesias as an ally.

Bubble in the Sun
By Vern McKinley

The debate over precisely what brought about the Great Depression has raged for nearly a century.

Populisms: A Quick Immersion
By Pierre Lemieux

Carlos de la Torre’s Populisms: A Quick Immersion reviews the theories and practices of populism over the last century, with a particular focus on Latin American’s versions and the lessons for the current American and European varieties.

Working Papers

The author who has most informed my thinking about climate change is Robert Pindyck, professor of economics at MIT’s Sloan School of Management.

Final Word
Berkeley, Saving Us from Ourselves
By A. Barton Hinkle

Among the handful of consolations to emerge from the hellscape of 2020 is the immutability of certain verities: Fish gotta swim.