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Regulation - Spring 2023 - Cover Image

Spring 2023

Vol. 46 No. 1
From the Cover
Behind the Issue

Unintended Consequences

The Podcast of Regulation
In This Episode

In this episode of the Unintended Consequences podcast, we start by investigating whether railroads are making excessive profits by cutting back labor expenses. That’s the subject of Peter’s new paper, which is particularly timely given the reaction to the train derailment in eastern Ohio. Then, Mark Calabria joins to discuss his cover article about his time as the head of the Federal Housing Finance Agency and the steps he took to prevent a mortgage meltdown during the pandemic. Finally, Peter and Paul tackle the limits of zoning reform as a solution for runaway housing inflation.

Immigration Reform

Immigration Reform: Eliminate the Application Backlog

By Gordon Gray and Whitney Appel

While making immigrants pay entirely for their own processing costs may seem fair, this financing model means that the agency has little to no capacity to increase resources to catch up when it falls behind

Briefly Noted
Is Grid Modernization Always Cost Effective?
By Kenneth W. Costello

Grid Modernization (GM) can have different meanings, but it generally refers to actions making the electricity system more resilient, responsive, and interactive

How to End the Kidney Shortage
By Frank McCormick and Philip J. Held

Few if any of these news stories lamenting the kidney shortage or touting hightech breakthroughs mention that we already have a solution to the shortage: compensating kidney donors to induce more supply

Final Word