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About the Research Associate Program

Two interns reading the Human Freedom Index

Cato’s Research Associate Program is a two‐​year employment opportunity in which associates provide research support to Cato’s policy scholars while participating in an extensive professional development and mentoring program designed to propel them into successful careers in public policy at some of the most prominent institutions in the world.

Through practical research experience, a broad professional development program, and mentoring from some of the nation’s foremost public policy scholars, Cato research associates are well prepared to excel as leaders in policy, government, business, and more.

Visit our Placement page to learn more and find the right fit.


As a research associate at the Cato Institute, your time will be dedicated to helping Cato’s policy scholars produce first‐​rate public policy scholarship, including books, studies, testimony, op‐​eds, slides, online content, broadcast appearances, and more.

Research associates may also be responsible for such tasks as fact‐​finding, memo and brief writing, data collection and analysis, reviewing and editing scholars’ work, and more. Associates also often assist with event planning, managing department social media accounts, and coordinating with external scholars and organizations.

Professional Development

As a Cato research associate, you will participate in a two‐​year professional development program featuring educational sessions with Cato Institute staff and guest lecturers from prominent institutions, academia, and business. This experience is intended to prepare you for a career in public policy, and the training is equally applicable to other career paths, including law, government, and business.

Some of the educational sessions focus on public policy fundamentals, including:

  • political philosophy and history, focusing on the rationale for and importance of individual liberty and limited government;
  • public policy across a wide range of domains and disciplines, including education, healthcare, criminal justice, foreign policy, and more;
  • key theories and concepts of economics and trade; and
  • strategic considerations, such as the role of think tanks in policymaking.

Other sessions help associates develop concrete, practical skills, such as:

  • Methods of research and effective policy analysis
  • Public speaking
  • Writing for various forums, such as blogs and newspapers
  • Graphic and presentation design
  • Statistical analysis


Every Cato research associate is paired with a public policy expert for one‐​on‐​one career and professional growth guidance and support to help RAs expand their awareness of industry best practices and career trajectories and to help you grow your professional network in preparation for a career in the public policy arena.