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Featured Project

Defending Globalization

Globalization today faces renewed attention—and criticism. Like any market phenomenon, the free movement of people, things, money, and ideas across natural or political borders is imperfect and often disruptive. But it has also produced undeniable benefits—for the United States and the world—that no other system can match. Defending Globalization is a new Cato Institute multimedia project on all aspects of the fundamentally human activity that we call “globalization.”

Shipyard and shipping containers
Featured Project

Cato Project on Jones Act Reform

The Cato Institute aims to shake up this status quo by shining a spotlight on the Jones Act’s myriad negative impacts and exposing its alleged benefits as entirely hollow. By systematically laying bare the truth about this nearly 100-year-old failed law, the Cato Institute Project on Jones Act Reform is meant to raise public awareness and lay the groundwork for its repeal or reform.

Our Experts

James Bacchus
Adjunct Scholar
Gabriella Beaumont-Smith

Former Policy Analyst

Colin Grabow

Associate Director, Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies

Daniel Griswold
Adjunct Scholar
Scott Lincicome

Vice President, General Economics and Stiefel Trade Policy Center, Cato Institute

Clark Packard

Research Fellow