This morning’s Wall Street Journal opinion page blasts Republicans for passing the REAL ID Act. [subscription required]

Keyed to a recent report showing the costs of compliance at $11 billion, the piece notes that all Americans will have to reapply for their drivers’ licenses and ID cards if states go along with this unfunded federal surveillance mandate. It also addresses whether a national ID protects against terrorism or provides effective immigration control and finds REAL ID wanting on both counts. My book Identity Crisis shows why.

Sooner rather than later, Congress will recognize its error in passing the REAL ID Act. Most likely it will try to kick the can down the road. Look for a quiet attempt to change the deadline for getting a national ID in everyone’s hands.

But that is not the solution. If Congress wants a national ID, it should have hearings, markup and pass legislation, then fund and implement a national ID itself.

Congress didn’t have a single hearing or up‐​or‐​down vote on the REAL ID Act. This much exposure would kill a national ID plan, of course.