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Cato Daily Podcast •

David Boaz: The Libertarian Exponent

David Boaz was an intellectual leader of the Cato Institute for four decades and a libertarian thinker of the first order. In addition to his speeches, books, and clear-headed communication of libertarian ideas in the public sphere, David was a friend and mentor. David passed away on June 7, 2024. Aaron Ross Powell, founding director of Lib​er​tar​i​an​ism​.org, and Cato Senior Fellow Tom G. Palmer discuss the work and legacy of David Boaz.

The Libertarian Mind by David Boaz
The Libertarian Reader edited by David Boaz
David Boaz: Liberty’s North Star” by Aaron Ross Powell
David Boaz Is with Us” by Tom G. Palmer
The Separation of Art and State” by David Boaz
The Crisis in Drug Prohibition edited by David Boaz
David Boaz: ‘Now It’s Your Turn’” featuring David Boaz and Caleb O. Brown

Tom G. Palmer

Executive Vice President for International Programs, Atlas Network; Director, Cato University; and Senior Fellow, Cato Institute