Here’s a round-up of bloggers writing about Cato research and analysis:

  • Blogging from Korea, Joseph Steinberg writes about Cato’s foreign policy views on East Asia.
  • Chris Estes defends Obama’s decision to slap a tariff on Chinese tire imports, and cites Dan Ikenson’s research on the subject.
  • A blog that just started up this summer, Political Policy takes a look at Cato’s analysis of Obama’s health care address to Congress.
  • Wes Messamore rounds up libertarian responses to the 9/12 demonstration in Washington DC.
  • Y‑Intercept takes a look at Jim Harper’s analysis of government transparency.
  • Bloggers at The Liberty Pen cite Michael Cannon’s research on the “public option” provision that has been debated for inclusion in the final health care reform bill.

UPDATE: The Humble Libertarian is revising his list of the top 100 libertarian blogs and is accepting submissions.