Welcome to the new Cato​.org. Our new website is not only a facelift but includes a number of new features and usability improvements.

We’ve greatly simplified our site structure and have organized our content into four main categories – Constitution and Law, Economics, Politics and Society, and International. In addition, we’ve added “topic” pages that aggregate all of our content on trending or persistent topics into easily scanned pages.

The new homepage is certainly easier for us to manage and should feel more dynamic as we curate the most timely and relevant content in real time. You will notice a new “Latest from Cato” feature on the homepage with up-to-the-minute posts from our blog. We also feature our popular podcasts on the homepage with convenient ways to listen or subscribe.

We have implemented a robust, new search engine that powers numerous features on the new site. By integrating search into the experience, we allow users to sort, filter and easily explore our vast archive of data.

You will notice additional multimedia throughout the site. Whether it is playing a live event directly from the homepage, or including a relevant podcast on a study page, the options we have for highlighting video, audio and infographics are dramatically increased.

Lastly, we have updated our color palette and fonts. We have selected fonts that are particularly crafted and designed for computer screens and readability. Our pages are designed and tested for accessibility for the vision impaired. These new fonts provide a clean, crisp reading experience on phones, tablets and desktops.

What hasn’t changed is the great content from policy experts that are committed to individual liberty, free markets, limited government, and peace.