Over at Downsizing the Federal Government, we focused on the following issues this week:

  • Sen. Rand Paul introduces a practical, common sense budget that recognizes that the federal government’s growth has become unsustainable, and thus a threat to our economic well-being and future living standards.
  • According to the Congressional Budget Office, the president’s latest budget proposal would once again leave “our people” with a “mountain of debt.”
  • It would be nice if the latest example of FAA bungling woke Congress up to the idea of privatizing our nation’s air traffic control system.
  • Instead of tinkering with federal welfare programs, let’s have a public discussion and debate over the fundamental justness and desirability of letting Washington dictate how to meet the needs of the less fortunate.
  • Electric vehicle subsidies: The Obama administration apparently believes that it possesses the unique foresight to optimally plan the economy.

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