Last night, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a Statement of Administration Policy (SAP) opposing the FISA Amendments Act Section 702 reform amendment offered by House members Ted Poe (R‑TX), Zoe Lofgren (D‑CA), Justin Amash (R‑MI), Thomas Massie (R‑KY) and several dozen others. Around the same, time GOP House Whip Steve Scalise’s office circulated an email to all GOP members that included a falsehood-laden attack on bipartisan FISA reform amendment authored by House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes (R‑CA):

GOP Whip Scalise email on FISA Sec. 702 alternative

In fact, the Poe/​Lofgren/​Amash/​Massie substitute creates no such “barriers”–it would require federal authorities to get a probable cause-based warrant to search the stored communications of Americans acquired under Section 702. Exactly as the Fourth Amendment requires.

This morning, President Trump tweeted what appears to be opposition to the reauthorization of Section 702:

President Trump tweet on FISA Sec. 702 reauthorization

The House convenes at 9am today. The vote on the House GOP FISA Section 702 reauthorization bill and the Poe/​Lofgren/​Amash/​Massie alternative will likely take place sometime between 10:30 and 11am. A live feed of the debate is available on the House Clerk website.