Further to yesterday’s post, rather than have a vote on the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement within 90 legislative days (as set out by law), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she will change House rules to avoid having a vote on the agreement before the November elections. It’s not yet clear to me how that can be done, but such action will speak volumes about the rudderless Democratic Party.

Apparently, the leadership hasn’t decided whether supporting the agreement—supporting export opportunities, encouraging and deepening business ties, promoting investment in Colombia, supporting an ally in a hostile region, and preserving the value of U.S. credibility—is worth more votes than union money can buy.

If members of Congress don’t want to be held accountable to the electorate, they shouldn’t seek office in the first place. But as we’ve seen time and again, it’s never about good policy. It’s only about holding onto power. No wonder Americans have such contempt for Congress.