Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has proposed new 401(k)-style savings accounts. But the proposal is not really a savings program, it is a new entitlement program. Savings is about people being frugal today in order to improve their prosperity tomorrow. Real savings helps families and benefits the broader economy. But Senator Clinton’s plan would impose $20 billion per year of damage on families paying the cost, while distorting the economy with higher taxes.

The plan would take money from people who earned it, and simply give it to other people to spend on retirement, buying a house, paying for college, and other items. Those eligible could receive $1,000 a year, but at the expense of others who would bear the burden. I see no justice in that, nor any economic benefit.

I’ve got a better idea: Let’s allow Americans to keep their own money, downsize the giveaway factory in Washington, and reduce government hurdles to individual savings.

Senator Clinton should consider supporting expanded and simplified Individual Retirement Accounts. These accounts would not rob Peter to pay Paul, while boosting real savings and spurring growth to the benefit of all families.