Many of you were kind enough to comment on the first video I narrated, which discussed the importance of a more competitive corporate tax system. Because of popular demand (perhaps a slight exaggeration), a second video has been released. This one discusses the vital role of tax competition as a constraint on government. Based in part on your suggestions, this new video was filmed in a real studio with professional equipment. And I even put on a coat and tie since a few people thought the casual look detracted from the message in the corporate tax video.

The message, of course, is what really matters in these videos. Regular readers of Cato-at-liberty surely have noticed that Chris Edwards and I regularly comment on the dramatic tax policy changes that are taking place all over the world. We would like to claim that this is because politicians are reading our papers, but a bigger factor is tax competition. Simply stated, because of globalization, it is much easier for the geese that lay golden eggs to fly across the border. This means governments are being forced to lower tax rates and reform tax systems.

This video, as well as a book that Chris and I are writing, explains this liberalizing process. But it’s not all good news; both the video and our future book warn that statist politicians want to curtail tax competition.

I would be very interested in receive feedback on this new video. Is the message compelling? Are footage and graphics being used effectively? Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcome.