A report just released by School Choice Wisconsin provides more evidence that school choice programs increase graduation rates, in addition to improving student test scores and parental satisfaction.

And a new state survey from the Friedman Foundation adds more to the mountains of evidence that parents would rather choose another school for their children and that the public supports school choice policies.

But we all know that in politics, what’s right, what works, and what the public wants are far from the most important considerations. Which brings us to our next news item …

From the New York Sun comes a cautionary tale for politicians and Democrats in particular:

Lawmakers in Albany were given a powerful reminder of the political danger of siding in favor of school choice measures when the state’s largest teachers union yesterday endorsed the Republican candidate in an important special election that will take place next month for a seat in the state Senate.

The faint silver lining is that the teachers unions had to cross other liberal interest groups in the process, as the Democrat in the race “has won the backing of steelworkers and other local unions in the district.”