The results are in from last night’s Intelligence Squared debate on universal health coverage:

  • Before the debate, 49 percent of the audience was pro-universal coverage, 24 percent anti‑, and 27 percent undecided.
  • After the debate, 58 percent of the audience was pro‑, 34 percent anti‑, and 8 percent undecided.

As many have noted, the anti- side won over more of the undecideds (10 percentage points) than did the pro- side (9 percentage points). Considering this was a crowd of mostly Manhattan denizens, I’m pleasantly surprised by the outcome.

And I’m now prepared to induct John Stossel into the Anti-Universal Coverage Club. Sally Pipes I’m still not sure about; you can judge for yourself when the IQ2 folks post the transcript of the debate here.

EDITOR’S NOTE: See clarification concerning Pipes here.