As we predicted here, the Senate’s Keystone XL Pipeline legislation is going to be pelted with global warming‐​related amendments from Democrats as the price for a veto‐​proof bill. Most interesting is one by Bernie Sanders (S‑VT) which asks the Senate to vote on whether climate change is real and made “worse” by dreaded carbon dioxide emissions.

Of course the first part is true—“climate” and “change” go hand‐​in‐​hand. But the fact is that the warming that is occurring is happening at a rate far below what was forecast, and hasn’t been happening at all for 18+ years now. So, perhaps some Republican will propose an amendment that in fact approaches the truth in this nuanced issue.

Perhaps, “Climate change is real and it is demonstrable that the climate models used by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to predict the future are on the verge of failure.”