Here’s some recent commentary on California’s Prop. 19 ballot initiative:
- Today, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof makes the case against the war on cannabis. Although there is no mention of Cato, Kristoff mentions the work of our senior fellow, Jeff Miron, and links to our report on the Budgetary Impact of Ending Drug Prohibition. Kristoff also mentions Portugal’s drug decriminalization policies and links to a Time Magazine article that highlights the Cato report on that subject by Glenn Greenwald.
- Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch make the case that Prop. 19 is the most important item before the voters in this election cycle. Even more important than whether Barbara Boxer can continue her work in the Senate? Yes, read the whole thing. Dan Mitchell has additional thoughts here.
- George Soros is in the news for helping the Prop. 19 effort with a one million dollar contribution. He explained his reasons for supporting Prop. 19 in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.
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