The new mayor of São Paulo is showing the way if President Trump wants to follow through on his “drain the swamp” pledge. According to today’s Wall Street Journal:

The multimillionaire star of the Brazilian version of “The Apprentice” TV show, who took over as São Paulo’s mayor this month, is set to embark on the biggest municipal privatization drive in the country’s history.

João Doria, who won a landslide victory in October and has drawn comparisons to U.S. President Donald Trump, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal he plans to sell off everything from São Paulo’s carnival venue to rights to the city’s cemeteries, aiming to raise more than 7 billion reais (about $2.2 billion).

The plan by the businessman-turned-mayor comes as Brazil looks to shrink its cumbersome and graft-ridden government apparatus in the wake of a vast corruption scandal that has destroyed voters’ faith in traditional politicians.

“The heavy role of the state is one of Brazil’s most serious problems—it is inefficient and it invites corruption,” said Mr. Doria.”

The problem is the same in the United States, and so is the solution.