The Institute for Justice has launched a new economic liberties program called “The Power of One Entrepreneur.” They have five detailed reports produced by successful local writers, highlighting five individual entrepreneurs.

The power of one entrepreneur, the reports explain, is the key to helping our nation recover from this economic slump and to restoring our inner cities and countless lives through honest enterprise. Together, they showcase the importance of economic liberty and the fact that countless people are fighting Big Government to secure their American Dream.

These reports do two important things:

First, they document the positive impact one single entrepreneur can have on those around him or her, not only by offering employment, but through charitable work and mentoring to grow other entrepreneurs in the community, thereby growing the economic pie.

Second, through tangible examples, they make the point that if the government wants to do something to help Americans in this “jobless recovery,” it can do one simple thing: Get out of the way so entrepreneurs like these can be free to create jobs for themselves and for others.

This is part of IJ’s laudable long-time effort to put a human face on the issue of economic liberty — the right to earn a living free from arbitrary and unnecessary government regulation.