Several months ago, the National Council of La Raza convened a group of health care wonks to help that organization make up its mind about how Congress should reform the tax treatment of health care. The wonks included people from Harvard University, the Urban Institute, the Kaiser Family Foundation, Families USA, the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and elsewhere.

La Raza took the unusual step of inviting a libertarian (me) to be part of that discussion, despite our divergent views. Where La Raza wants to expand the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, for example, I advocate repealing SCHIP. I’m glad they invited me; it was one of the most enjoyable policy discussions I’ve ever had.

La Raza took the further unusual step of publishing a transcript of that discussion. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a libertarian in the very un-libertarian world of health care policy — and you know you have — I recommend giving it a read. Oh, and you’ll also learn a lot about health policy from a lot of smart people.

Here is the final product of those deliberations, La Raza’s policy paper on health tax incentives, in which La Raza plugs (without endorsement) my proposal for large health savings accounts.