Over at Cato’s Police Misconduct web site, we have identified the worst case for the month of February. It was from Champaign, Illinois and involves several incidents regarding Officer Matt Rush.

Last month Precious Jackson filed a lawsuit against Rush and the City of Champaign for excessive force when Rush arrested her. According to the lawsuit, Rush’s actions caused Jackson to lose her unborn baby. Jackson also says that she begged to be taken to a hospital but that Rush and the other officers on the scene ignored her pleas and took her to the jail instead.

Local news agencies report that the City of Champaign has settled several similar lawsuits involving Rush to the tune of $320,000. In 2014, Police Chief Anthony Cobb actually fired Rush for lies in police reports and omitting important details in the incidents he was involved in.

A labor arbitrator overturned the police chief’s discipline and reinstated Rush to his job.