Over at Cato’s Police Misconduct website, we have identified the worst case for the month of February.

Back on July 4, 2013, San Antonio Police Department Officer Daniel Lopez held his own wife and children at gunpoint, striking his wife in the head with his gun, and had a 20-minute standoff with police before surrendering. Last month, his case finally went to court, where a deal with prosecutors resulted in him pleading no contest to a misdemeanor charge of “disorderly conduct.” For the offense, he was sentenced to just one day of probation and ordered to pay a $100 fine.

According to one news report, “The plea deal struck out any reference to a gun or family violence.” As a result, Lopez will retain his peace officer’s license whether or not the San Antonio Police Department terminates his employment.

Are police officers treated the same as everyone else, or are they accorded special treatment? Read the news story and decide for yourself.