Ben Nanke, a 20-year-old aspiring songwriter and filmmaker from Salem” was none-too-pleased to see the glossy odes to Obamacare that will run in Oregon at a cost to taxpayers of some $9.9 million. Who can blame him? The videos claim Obamacare will make you healthier and live longer, even though there is zero reliable evidence that’s the case, and much evidence to suggest it won’t. Also, that had better be his own guitar that Matt Sheehy is getting wet.

So the libertarian Nanke and his friends composed and cut a video for “Don’t Fence Me In,” their own love letter to Oregon, and freedom. Here’s what Nanke wrote at the video’s YouTube page:

As native Oregonians, we found it strange that a large-scale, federally-funded ad campaign is trying to twist the meaning of “the Oregon Spirit.”

Quoting the Oregonian — “Mark Ray, co-owner and creative director of North [who created the ad campaign], said the initial ads are to ‘create almost a hello’ sort of vibe, while stressing an ‘Oregon pride, Oregonians take care of themselves kind of thing.’ ”

We agree, and believe that “Oregonians take care of themselves” means exactly that. We take care of ourselves. No government mandates, no tax penalties, and no manufactured marketplaces. We love seeing our fellow Oregonians happy, healthy, and strong, which is why we don’t want to see our state fenced in by government-controlled health care.

A sampling of the lyrics, and the full video follow.

Long ago the wagons traveled past the cliffs of the Gorge

We watched the sagebrush trails become I‑84

It’s not that I don’t care, it’s that I’ve seen it before

We say “oh, don’t fence me in.”

You say, “ooh, it looks mighty innocent”

but follow the trail, you know it’s gonna derail

I say “ooh, we’re all going to pay for this”

We’ve travelled quite a long road, and we know where this goes

You say it’s time for a change from the Oregon range

Rugged individuality gives way to rain and trees

So don’t tell the people of Oregon that we don’t care

Don’t fence me in. (Don’t fence me in)