For those not keeping close tabs on Congress, throughout this session Senator Tom Coburn (R‑OK) has used procedural tactics to stop dozens of spending bills that would normally breeze through the Senate. Frustrated to no end, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D‑NV) bundled many of these bills together in an omnibus package, sometimes referred to as the “Tomnibus”.

Despite his attempt at political logrolling, Reid’s omnibus failed in July when senators voted to reject a motion to proceed to consideration of his legislation.

But now it’s back, thanks to Oprah Winfrey. On her television program, Oprah made an emotional lobbying pitch for the package. Her interest stems from the inclusion of one program that would spend a billion dollars to combat child exploitation.

With Oprah’s weight behind him, Reid will soon make another attempt to pass the Tomnibus, which would cost taxpayers roughly $10 billion and create at least 35 new programs.

Can Oprah have the same effect on legislation that she’s had on so many books?

Stay tuned.