A passionate plea from Michael Arrington TechCrunch, the number three tech blog in the country and the number four blog overall, according to Technorati’s current rankings:

Silicon Valley has fueled much of the growth in our economy over the last few decades and has created amazing (and highly profitable) companies that are making the world a much better and more interesting place to live. All that happened while the government ignored us.

We don’t want handouts. We don’t want “public-private partnerships,” and we sure as hell don’t want legislation. Just let us do our thing and maybe say thanks to those companies that create jobs by the hundreds of thousands and send in those humongous corporate tax payments on profits. Because all you can do is screw up something beautiful. Really.

While maintaining his hugely popular site, Arrington has made himself something of a controversialist. His policy preferences aren’t strictly libertarian, but his instincts are that freedom produces innovation much better than any alternative public policies.