According to the Boston Globe:

Employees of the new state agency established to provide health insurance to the state’s low-income residents have been hired at an average salary of $111,000 a year, with 12 of the 22 staff members making more than $100,000 and six earning more than Governor Deval Patrick and his Cabinet secretaries…

Eventually the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector’s administrative costs will be funded by insurance companies through a surcharge … of 4 to 5 percent on the premiums they collect as a result of the program. Some have raised concerns that insurers will pass along the cost to consumers in higher premiums.

According to the article, the salaries are so high because the “Connector” is a species of quasi-independent state bureaucracy with the power to set its own salaries. Former Gov. Mitt Romney once “railed against [such agencies] for their overly generous compensation packages” — that is, until he created one.