With President Donald Trump frustrated all over again with congressional Republicans’ inability to coalesce around a bill repealing and replacing ObamaCare, it seems like a good time to dust off this National Review Online column where I offer 14 ways Trump can pressure Congress and build public support for legislation:

1. End Congress’s illegal ObamaCare exemption.

2. End ObamaCare’s unconstitutional cost‐​sharing subsidies.

3. End ObamaCare’s illegal “reinsurance” payments.

4. Block Big Insurance’s “risk‐​corridor” raid on the Treasury.

5. Investigate the Obama administration’s illegal spending.

6. Allow freedom of conscience and choice in contraceptives coverage.

7. Illustrate how Americans can avoid ObamaCare penalties.

8. Illustrate how ObamaCare makes it easier than ever for people to wait until they are sick to purchase coverage.

9. Publish ObamaCare’s vital signs.

10. Release the documents.

11. Praise states that refused to implement ObamaCare.

12. Direct states to prepare for ObamaCare repeal.

13. Renounce IPAB.

14. Let seniors opt out of Medicare without losing Social Security benefits.

To its credit, the Trump administration has been doing some of #9. But not enough. Read here for more.