David Boaz already noted Missourians’ overwhelming rejection of the individual mandate yesterday. That, combined with Monday’s decision in Virginia’s lawsuit — where the judge denied the government’s motion to dismiss, ruling that Virginia had standing to make its claims and that those claims had sufficient merit to proceed — should embolden Missouri’s Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder. Kinder, in his personal capacity and joined by several other individuals, filed an Obamacare lawsuit last month.

I mention the Kinder suit to remind everyone that there are more challenges out there than just Virginia’s and the Florida-led 20-state suit. I have personal knowledge of groups and individuals who have sued in Michigan, Ohio, and D.C. — and there are plenty of others, I’m sure (for example, the Goldwater Institute will be filing in Arizona soon). As Michael Cannon has noted, the D.C. suit, filed by our friends at the Pacific Legal Foundation, has as its plaintiff a 29-year-old artist and former National Guardsman who served two tours in Iraq. PLF will host a liveblog to discuss their case starting at 3 p.m. today. You can read the complaint here.

Finally, PLF principal attorney and Cato adjunct scholar Tim Sandefur has a nice refutation of the argument that “well, gee, George Washington required able-bodied men to buy muskets and prepare for militia service under the Militia Act of 1792.” The upshot: sure, but 1) the Militia Act was passed under the Constitution’s militia clauses (not under the Commerce Clause, taxing power, or anything else being claimed as authority by Obamacare proponents); and 2) to say that the Constitution does not protect “a freedom from government-mandated purchases” is to read the Constitution backwards because the burden is on the government to prove that it has the constitutional authority to force people to do things they don’t want to do.

Repeal now.