The sun has now set and risen again a total of 275 times since it first shone down on the Obama health plan. Barring some unforseen snag, the House of Representatives will hold the final vote on that legislation around 6pm EDT today.

It will do so without ever laying eyes on a complete cost estimate. By design, the official Congressional Budget Office cost estimates are incomplete, omitting one category of costs that likely totals $1.5 trillion, and fraudulently concealing other costs.

The most incredible part is that the media have shown zero interest in exposing the largest category of hidden costs: the private-sector mandates, which likely total $1.5 trillion. But perhaps the media will report on such costs in the future. The surest way would be for Congress to require the CBO to include them in its official cost estimates.

Barring some unforseen snag, the House of Representatives will hold the final vote on that legislation around 6pm EDT today. Barring some unforseen snag, the House of Representatives will hold the final vote on that legislation around 6pm EDT today. Barring some unforseen snag, the House of Representatives will hold the final vote on that legislation around 6pm EDT today.