An article at Doublethink Online quotes me as saying the following regarding Medicare reform:

Cannon asserts that: “For Medicare, we have to realize we simply cannot provide unlimited amounts of free healthcare to every senior. We only have two options: bring more money in or cut benefits. If we simply increase taxes, they would eventually reach 40 percent of GDP. We shouldn’t arbitrarily cut back, either. We are better off finding an amount of money that we can spend per senior on healthcare, and allow them to choose their own options according to the spending guidelines…Politically, you may need to raise taxes, but it should be a last resort.”

Hmm. Doesn’t. Sound. Like. Me. The first (positive) part of that sentence certainly could be true. But the second (normative) part legitimizes something I think is categorically illegitimate. I consider tax increases not a last resort, but a “never” resort.

I can hear Josh Patashnik now…