The Mississippi Supreme Court has ordered a new trial for Cory Maye.

You may remember the story: Maye was at home one night when he thought he heard someone trying to break in. He grabbed his gun and shot at them as they came crashing into his bedroom in the dark. When the lights came on, it turned out that the intruders were from the police department. With a police officer shot and killed, the case was twisted from self-defense into “murder.”

When Radley Balko was researching his Cato report on no-knock drug raids, he discovered the travesty of Maye’s case and started writing about it. His work attracted the attention of top lawyers at DC’s Covington and Burling, which entered the case pro bono on Maye’s behalf. It has taken several years, but those lawyers have now secured a new trial for Cory Maye.

Congrats to the attorneys at Covington, Radley, and Cory Maye.

Previous coverage here.