Here are a few takeaways from the Kaiser Family Foundation’s most recent monthly poll.
1. Nearly Two Thirds of ObamaCare’s Supposed Beneficiaries Think It Won’t Help Them.
ObamaCare’s actual beneficiaries are politicians, government bureaucrats, insurance companies, drug manufacturers, etc.—but that’s another blog post for another time.
The law’s supposed beneficiaries are the uninsured. Yet 61 percent of them think the law will either not help them or will hurt them (see pie chart below). The main takeaway: Congress can repeal ObamaCare and its supposed beneficiaries won’t even care.
2. Some of the Uninsured Who Think ObamaCare Will Help Them Are Wrong.
One respondent said that under ObamaCare, you “can go to the doctor with no problems, unlike now you have to worry about insurance and bills.” Yeah. Good luck with that.
3. ObamaCare Is Less Popular than Ever.
In August 2011, support for ObamaCare hit an all-time low in the KFF poll: