As an update to an earlier post about my speaking schedule this fall, here are my remaining public events through Thanksgiving. All these events, other than the one on Nov. 3, are sponsored by the Federalist Society (and in some cases co-sponsored by other organizations) and all are open to the public. As always, if you decide to attend one of the presentations after learning of it from this blog post, please feel free to drop me a line beforehand, and do introduce yourself after the event.

Event info after the jump.

Oct. 26 at 12:00pm — Florida International University Law School (Miami) — Use of Foreign Law in Constitutional Interpretation

Oct. 27 at 12:30pm — University of Miami Law School — Use of Foreign Law in Constitutional Intepretation

Oct. 28 at 12:30pm — University of Dayton Law School — Hillary Clinton and the Emoluments Clause

Oct. 29 at 12:00pm — Northern Kentucky University Chase College of Law — October Term 2009 Overview

Nov. 3 at 12:00pm — Environmental Law Institute (Washington) — Panel on Stop the Beach Renourishment and Judicial Takings

Nov. 4 at 12:00pm — Yeshiva University Cardozo Law School (NYC) — Immigration and the Constitution

Nov. 4 at 3:00pm — Seton Hall University Law School — Debate on the The Chrysler Bankruptcy

Nov. 5 at 12:00pm — Columbia University Law School — Debate on the Use of Foreign Law in Constitutional Interpretation

Nov. 16 at 12:00pm — St. Louis University Law School — Use of Foreign Law in Constitutional Interpretation

Nov. 17 at 12: 00pm — Washington University (St. Louis) Law School — The Looming Danger of Transnational Progressivism