If you want to get something done (or, just as often, not done) in Washington, you might just need … the Kronies.

Take, for example, Kaptain Korn:

Kaptain Korn is a mutant hero who can change shape at will. One minute he’s coating your corn flakes; another minute he’s bootleg liquor in your gas tank. Though he’s powerless without G‑force, subsidies and mandates give Kaptain Korn the muscle he needs to push puny third world back down into the dust. Kaptain Korn ensures jokes stay corny, rears stay flabby and engines run less efficiently.

If you want to help defeat the Kronies, you might want to take a look at Cato’s Down​siz​ing​Gov​ern​ment​.org. Learn more from our video series on how to downsize specific departments (all videos will play below):