If you have a free ten minutes over the weekend, your time will be well spent watching Cato’s spanking‐​new interview with the best‐​selling author of The Rational Optimist, Matt Ridley. In it, Ridley, who is also a member of the Advisory Board of Human​Progress​.org, argues that humanity’s impact on the environment need not be catastrophic. This is partly because there is a strong relationship between economic growth and a greener planet. I am going to reiterate that fact — acknowledged by no lesser authority than the IPCC — because everyone should know it: the richer we become, the lesser our impact on the environment will be. Since economic freedom and growth are correlated (i.e.: more economic freedom means higher growth), economic freedom encourages a higher quality of life and a healthier environment. Gloomy predictions about the future of the planet are based on unrealistic assumptions that are unlikely to happen. The current scare, in other words, may be just like the doomsday scenarios from the past that have never materialized. Watch the video here:

And if you have another few minutes, check out Human​Progress​.org, Cato’s newest website. It is a data‐​heavy site that presents reputable, third‐​party data and a host of analytical tools. Use it to discover what Matt Ridley spoke about: the state of humanity is improving, and fast!