Over at SayAnythingBlog, Rob notes a case of two Boston families complaining that their children were taught about homosexuality in elementary school. The parents, apparently religious conservatives, objected to the lesson being taught without parental consent. A federal judge has just told them: tough luck.

Yet another skirmish in the culture war. We’ve gotta keep fighting it, and we’ve gotta keep racking up winners and losers, right?

Wrong. Rob notes:

this is exactly the sort of thing school vouchers would solve. School crossing the line and teaching your kid about things you find morally offensive? Or things that should wait until they’re a little older? Take your kids to a different school.

While I’ve argued that education tax credits do a better job than vouchers of avoiding such conflicts (scroll down the linked page to “Conviction, Compulsion, and Conflict”), this is essentially the same argument that Cato’s ed. staff has been making regarding all the values battles that arise due to our official government school system.

A free market in education can allow families to obtain the sort of education they value for their own children without forcing them to impose those values on their neighbors. Our existing school system, by contrast, creates an endless battle over what will be taught in the schools.

Rob gets it, and a lot of other people are starting to get it, too.