This mini-documentary does a great job of capturing how the drug war is wreaking havoc in our cities. Police engage in a futile game of cat & mouse with low level “corner boys.” Gang members kill one another over turf (drug sales territory). And the chasm between the ordinary residents and the government (police, prosecutors) is palpable. The police are frustrated by the lack of citizen cooperation. Witnesses and victims do not come forward with information, for example. But there is little mystery here. If the police cannot protect witnesses from retaliatory attacks, coming forward is practically suicidal. Criminals oversee a thriving black market drug trade while policymakers dither about drug courts and “Plan Colombia.”

Excellent work, Mr. Theroux. These festering problems are too often ignored by our MSM. Americans get excessive coverage of OJ Simpson, Natalie Holloway, and Caylee Anthony. For scholarly work on the drug war go here, here, here, and here. If you liked this mini-doc, be sure to check out The Wire.