Please join us this coming Monday, March 28 at 1pm Eastern on our Facebook page for a live video presentation, powered by Livestream, from Cato research fellow Julian Sanchez on the current state of online privacy policy.

Here is a brief list of topics he’ll cover:

  • An update on current challenges to overturn FISA, and what it means for you and me if those challenges succeed or fail
  • How this relates to current and recent efforts to reauthorize the Patriot Act, including a recap of testimony Sanchez recently delivered to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security
  • What’s on the FBI’s surveillance wish list
  • Reflections on the idea of an “online privacy bill of rights

We hope you can join us next Monday at 1pm Eastern for this event. Be sure to log in to Livestream with your Facebook account so you can chat with each other and submit questions–we’ll try to take as many as we can.

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