Brett Kavanaugh is a strong pick for the Supreme Court.

In his 12 years on the D.C. Circuit, Judge Kavanaugh has demonstrated a devotion to legal text and constitutional principle. I admire his dedication to the Constitution’s structural protections for liberty, his steadfast defense of the rights of speech and religious conscience, and most notably his willingness to question the excesses of the regulatory state. He has repeatedly affirmed that judges serve not as the champions of faction, but as the readers of laws and adjudicators of disputes.

While there will no doubt be cases where the future Justice Kavanaugh and Cato do not see eye‐​to‐​eye, I hope that he will not flinch in those super‐​hard cases where Chief Justice Roberts may be inclined to bend over backwards to uphold a law or split the baby by rewriting it. I wish him a speedy confirmation; there is literally nothing in his record that justifies the smears and demagoguery he’s about to face.