Ohio governor and GOP presidential hopeful John Kasich says he opposes ObamaCare. Yet somehow, he has managed to embrace the law in every possible way. He wanted to implement an Exchange, even if it was clearly unconstitutional under Ohio law. He denounced the Medicaid expansion’s “large and unsustainable costs,” which “will just rack up higher deficits…leaving future generations to pick up the tab.” Then he went ahead and implemented it anyway. Worse, he did so unilaterally, after the Ohio legislature passed legislation prohibiting him from doing so (which he vetoed). When Republican legislators and pro-life groups filed suit to stop him, Kasich defended his power-grab all the way to the Ohio Supreme Court.

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Kasich’s defense of his record on ObamaCare has been…less than honest. Just one example: in a town hall meeting in South Carolina last night, Kasich railed against how ObamaCare increases the cost of health care at the same time he boasted he has constrained Medicaid spending in Ohio. In fact, Kasich’s unilateral Medicaid expansion not only increased the cost of Medicaid to taxpayers nationwide, but according to Jonathan Ingram of the Foundation for Government Accountability, it “has run $2.7 billion over budget so far [and] is set to run $8 billion over budget by 2017.”

For more examples of Kasich’s ObamaCare duplicity, see my new four-part (yet highly readable!) series at Dar​wins​Fool​.com: