There’s good news and bad news in the Land of Lincoln. Starting with the bad news, a handful of state politicians want to impose a so-called progressive tax scheme that will double the tax burden for productive citizens. The good news is that this requires an amendment to the Illinois Constitution, which requires both three-fifths support from the legislature and — more important — three-fifths support from state voters:

A group of House Democratic lawmakers announced Thursday they want to ask voters to amend the state constitution to double the income tax burden on Illinoisans who earn more than $250,000 a year. …”I believe a flat rate income tax is a regressive tax, it’s an unfair tax and by moving to a progressive tax — one that taxes those who earn more at a higher rate — we can accomplish some of these goals that have eluded the state for a number of years,” Smith said at a press conference at the capitol. Smith said about 107,000 of the more than 5 million taxpayers in Illinois would be affected by the proposed increase. In order for the Illinois Constitution to be amended, both chambers of the General Assembly must approve the proposal by a three-fifths majority. Afterward, 60 percent of voters must vote in favor of the amendment on a referendum that will appear on the ballot in the next election.