In the dark days of the Soviet Union, the political elite (known as the nomenklatura) enjoyed immense privileges, including uncluttered roadway access on special “Chaika lanes.” There’s now a new version of Chaika lanes, only this time the nomenklatura are members of the European Parliament. According to the UK-based Times, they are getting a special train to ferry them between Brussels and Strasbourg. Needless to say, the taxpayers who finance this elitist boondoggle will not be allowed to ride the train:

After years of being accused of riding the Brussels gravy train, members of the European parliament are about to step aboard a real one. A Eurocrats-only express service will be launched next month to ferry MEPs and officials in luxury at 186mph between one European parliament in Brussels and the other in Strasbourg. The buffet car will, of course, be fully stocked. The Strasbourg Express will leave Brussels for the first time at 9.57am on Monday, July 7. Each return journey will cost the taxpayer about £158,000, but the fare-paying public will be banned. MEPs will pay £170 for a return ticket, but will then be reimbursed. “The public will not be able to buy tickets or use this train,” said Thalys, the high-speed train operator that will run the service. …Every month, when the European parliament moves to Strasbourg, the “train of shame” will leave Brussels on a Monday, returning the following Thursday, with up to 377 MEPs and officials travelling each way in three spacious carriages. It is widely seen in Brussels as a gimmick to boost the French, whose insistence on maintaining the second parliament in Strasbourg makes such journeys necessary in the first place.