Most Americans are appalled by pork spending, corporate welfare, and other congressional waste. But at least one man relishes federal giveaways. He extols the government freebee. The July 4 Falls Church (Virginia) News-Press notes:

“Mothers, lock up your daughters, because Matthew Lesko, the so-called ‘crazy Free Money Guy,’ will be camping out in front of the U.S. Capitol from August 14–17. Famous for his question-marked suit, Lesko will be answering questions during his campout as part of a program he calls: One Man, 72 Hours, 100,000 Government Freebies.”

So folks, don’t leave the taxpayer rip-offs to the expert Washington lobby firms such as Cassidy and Associates. If you are vacationing in D.C. this August, you can teach yourself how to drain the U.S. Treasury from the Free Money Guy.

(These days pilfering from federal taxpayers has been raised to a fine art form. Indeed, here’s Lesko immortalized in a D.C. art gallery.)