The school choice landscape has changed dramatically over the last few years. Since 2020 alone, school choice programs have been launched or expanded in 20 states. This is good news for families in those states since some state education dollars can now follow their children to the learning options that work for them. It’s also good news for teachers and education entrepreneurs who will now have more sustainable funding to create new learning environments.

But staying abreast of new developments can be difficult. There’s where EdChoice comes to the rescue with the School Choice in America (SCIA) dashboard. “In my experience, some of the most valuable information policymakers, parents, and reformers seek simply describes what’s currently happening,” says John Kristof, a research analyst at EdChoice. “Some recent polling data from our monthly public opinion tracker finds that many parents don’t know what school choice options already exist in their state. Many lawmakers don’t know what other states have proven possible. SCIA offers an easy way to close those knowledge gaps.”

The front page of the dashboard is a clickable map that has icons to show which states have school choice programs. This is an easy way to see the whole nation at a glance. Clicking on a state gives you a list of programs in that state, and each program is linked to a page with details about the program’s eligibility, history, usage statistics, legal battles, and expert feedback.

Beyond the map and clickable state and program details, there’s a wealth of information in the “data drawer.” This terrific resource takes a little more digging to access. The helpful tour—which you open by clicking on the question mark to the right of the map—shows how easy it is to download the entire dataset or select the program, years, and states that interest you. You can even save it as a spreadsheet so you can sort and filter it however you want.

The SCIA dashboard is my go-to resource to find the latest information on what’s happening in every state. When I speak to education entrepreneurs who are looking to expand their reach, I often point them to the dashboard so they can weigh the school choice programs available throughout the country.

Even if you’re already familiar with SCIA, John recommends checking back soon. “Over the next couple months, we will be making updates to the dashboard to present the most up-to-date data for each of these programs,” he says.