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Friends of freedom will be at dignified rallies in cities around the world on behalf of Abdelkareem, who is awaiting sentencing in Egypt for expressing his opinions on his blog. Rallies will be held in New York, London, Ottawa, Chicago, Bucharest, Washington, Rome, and Paris, and we are hoping for other cities.

In Washington, friends of freedom will gather at noon on February 15 at the Egyptian Cultural and Educational Bureau: 1303 New Hampshire Ave, NW; Washington, DC, near Dupont Circle.

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Visit http://​www​.freeka​reem​.org/ for more details. If you can spare an hour on February 15, please join those who are standing for freedom of speech.…and for the freedom of a young man who — agree with him or not — merely spoke his mind.

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Media Name: kareem_flier_bucharest.jpg