The “birthers” are no longer the most paranoid set of nutcases in town. Take for example this conspiracy uncovered by New York Times columnist Frank Rich: 1) Among the groups urging Obamacare opponents to protest at congressional town halls is FreedomWorks; 2) The chairman of FreedomWorks (a position not involved in day-to-day operation of the organization) is former House Minority Leader Dick Armey; 3) Dick Armey is also employed as a lobbyist for DLA Piper, a DC law firm; 4) Among DLA Piper’s clients have been pharmaceutical companies. 

Got it? Connect the dots?

True, it is a bit confusing that the pharmaceutical companies are actually supporting the president’s health care plan. In fact, they’ve even run television ads urging Congress to pass it. But that just shows how devious they are.

And today, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi writes in USA Today that is “un-American” to tell “lies” about the healthy care bill. This comes only days after she discovered that anti-Obamacare protestors carried Swastikas.

Its only a matter of time until they uncover the truth: a secret Neo-Nazi anti-Obamacare cabal in Buenos Aires.