According to opinion polls, Americans think the federal government is too big and too powerful. On average, people think that more than half of the tax dollars sent to Washington are wasted. When Gallup asked people what the most important problem facing the nation was, more people identified “government” than any other concern, including the economy, immigration, health care, and terrorism.

The people are right. The federal government is too big, too powerful, and too wasteful. Rather than defending our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, the federal government often abuses those rights. The bigger it is, the more it abuses, and less well it functions.

The solution is a major downsizing. I have posted an updated plan to cut spending and balance the federal budget by 2020. The plan includes cuts to low-value and harmful programs across the government. Whether or not the government was running deficits, the proposed cuts would make sense because they would generate growth and expand freedom.

Political leaders should listen to the public’s concerns about big government. They should help lead a national discussion on programs to eliminate, devolve to the states, and privatize. They can start with the items in my new plan, including cuts to subsidies, entitlements, and state aid.

Why cut? Because Americans would gain more net benefits from the federal government if it were much smaller.