Andy Quinlan of the Center for Freedom and Prosperity is exploring how videos can be used to advance economic liberty. For his first attempt, he asked me to be a guinea pig, so I have the dubious honor of narrating this video on America’s uncompetitive corporate tax system.

We want some feedback. If you have a chance to watch the video, let me know 1) whether you think the length (almost 9–1/2 minutes) is too long or too short, 2) whether there is too much or too little humor, 3) whether the graphs, charts and other footage match the narration, and 4) whether the case for a lower corporate rate is made in a cogent and cohesive fashion. I’ve already been told that “Celtic” is not pronounced correctly, so no need to pile on regarding that mistake. Andy also knows that he needs to improve the lighting for his second video, so no need to comment on that either. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.